Saturday, July 5, 2008

The firewire follies

Troubles abound with my video audition. There's something wrong (firewire, I think). I can't get the audition into the computer, and so I can't get it onto the web. Argh! More later.

For now, have some Doctor Who...

Ricky: We are going to take them down!
Micky: What, from your kitchen?
Ricky: You got a problem with that?
Micky: No, it's a good kitchen.

Feel better now? What? You mean that you weren't annoyed in the first place, because it's not your computer/camcorder/etc. that has the problem? *grumbles*

Edit, 1/2 hour later: Okay, scary thought: it could be the camera. I've now tried using two different firewires and two different computers. The only possible recourse that I have in order to get my audition in before the next millennium may be the use a webcam (my brother has one). That will look professional...

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