Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The combined auditions

Lakewood Playhouse and Tacoma Little Theatre are holding combined auditions this month, from Thursday the 10th to Saturday the 12th. I'll need either a song and a monologue or two contrasting monologues. The only thing worse than an audition is an audition where one must sing (all right, things like the Holocaust were pretty damn bad, too, but you know that's not what I mean). I think that I'll go with a classical monologue and a modern one, then. If I really wanted to stretch myself, I'd do a song, but I just don't feel that I can. Maybe I'll sing at the next TPS General Unified auditions... I think they're in February.

Now I need to find some good monologues. I'll probably go with Shakespeare for the classical one, so I'll need something really obscure. Maybe from Cymbeline or Timon of Athens? One of the plays that you only read if you really love Shakespeare or have a really sadistic teacher. (I'm in the former-- I'd read all of Shakespeare's plays by the time that I hit my teens, which makes for great bragging rights.) The only Shakespeare play that I've ever studied in school was Romeo and Juliet. Stadium High had it as one of the major works Freshman studied. This spring, a boy shot himself. And now Stadium will never do Romeo and Juliet again. Because obviously it was an old play that convinced the student to kill himself. It's not like depression is a serious illness or anything; it was those damn books. Fortunately, Stadium hasn't ruled out most classic works of literature, or anything, banning stories that involve suicide. Only, you know, Anna Karenina, Thérèse Raquin, Hamlet, The Awakening, Madame Bovary, Macbeth, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Antony and Cleopatra, nearly anything from Ancient Greece.... Oh, wait...

I just hope Stadium doesn't do something crazy like assign Émile Durkheim.

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