Saturday, July 5, 2008

The cannibalistic frosty

Some people don't like Girl Scouts. Maybe these people think that the cookies sold by these little uniformed girls are not sufficiently yummy to warrant the calories. Or that the cookies are too expensive and that not enough of the proceeds will actually go to the Girl Scout's troop, but rather to the cookie manufacturers. Or maybe these people are just confused by the fact that an organization-- once known for teaching girls to light fires when completely surrounded by trees and to tie geometrical knots-- is now known more for junk food fundraisers.

But, Dairy Queen, that is no excuse to cut little girls up and blend them with ice cream. I don't care if you serve mint cookies with it; this just doesn't sound good.

You see, my friends, I've just witnessed a DQ commercial advertising a Blizzard "with real pieces of Girl Scout and mint cookies!"

I drink your Girl Scouts.

PS: Still no luck with the digital camcorder

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